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Assembly & Project Management

Many of our customers’ jobs require Planet Products Corporation’s project management expertise to bring a number of components and processes together into a final turn-key assembly. Planet manages sub-contractors to handle Nadcap and/or Customer-Approved sources for any number of outside processes. These include heat treat, stress relieve, coatings, painting, non-destructive testing, etc. Our skilled assembly team integrates machined components with commercial electronics, gears, fittings, lubricants, and gaskets. Sealed assemblies can be tested in-house up to 3800psi.

Example Past Projects
  • Armored vehicle turret manual traverse and elevation gear boxes
  • Hydraulic motors for commercial and defense applications
  • Hydraulic valves
  • Complex fixtures for factory test equipment
Subcontract Process Management (Nadcap and/or Customer-Approved Sources)
  • Heat Treat
  • Stress Relieve
  • Coatings
  • Painting
  • Non-Destructive Testing

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