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Multi-Axis Milling

Planet Products Corporation utilizes numerous CNC mills, with our largest machine capable of handling parts up to 64" x 32" x 30". The majority of machined tolerances are .005” or less and we regularly machine parts with even tighter features. Many features include large and small bores, deep hole drilling, thread milling and tapping, intricate pockets, and ribs that require significant attention to detail in order to avoid error stack-up.

Example Past Projects
  • Manifolds for Defense and Commercial Systems
  • Structural Components
  • Robotics
  • Casings
  • Brackets and Frames
  • Fixtures
  • Bearing Caps
Any Material Type
  • Forgings and Castings
  • Blocks, Plates, Bars, Extrusions
  • Aluminum Alloys
  • Titanium
  • Steel Alloys
  • Nickel Alloys
  • Cobalt
  • Ductile Irons
  • Plastics

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Multi-Axis Milling Services
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